Photos Undermining Human Dignity

These images undermine human dignity in countless ways. The people in the picture on the right are in a state of crisis. Their surroundings are filthy and it appears as though they are being abruptly disrespected by this photo being taken. Their privacy is being violated. Most of these people probably had no idea that their picture was being taken and would most likely not choose to allow this photo to be seen. This picture reminds me of the article Photographic License we read for class discussing the picture on the left that was taken of Dorothea Lange and her family making them appear very poor and unfortunate. Dorothea was most upset about the fact that the media marked her face as the poster child for the unfortunate, when her family was not nearly as unfortunate as they thought (Dunn, 2002). The money that was supposed to be sent to Dorothea and her family due to this picture reaching the public did not make it to her family because they had already pulled themselves together and moved on out of the conditions shown in this picture (Dunn, 2002). In result, the money that Dorothea’s family was supposed to receive went to the people who lived around their previous residence resulting in zero benefit for Dorothea and her family (Dunn, 2002).

Dunn, Geoffrey. “Photographic License.” New Times. 2002. Web. 29 Mar. 2016.



This photo undermines the dignity of the child that is being carried. This photo takes me back to the picture shown in class of the little boy who drown in the lake and his family captured in photo almost directly after the incident happened. The little boy and his family in the picture from class had their privacy violated and dignity undermined because the picture could have sent the message to the public that the little boys parents were irresponsible since they were present in the lake with him when the drowning happened. The family does not deserve to suffer from that pain on top of grieving the loss of their son. That little boy’s family most likely would not have granted permission for that photo to be published if permission was asked. I believe that this child’s family would not grant permission for this photo to be published either due to the limp, lifeless state that the child is in. This photo violates the privacy and respect of this child’s body in contrast to the picture taken at the lake that violated the little boy’s body and his family in that tragic, horrific moment of their child’s death.

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